Mehra, B., Viehouser, M., and Jaber, B. (2022). A Multi-Methodological Assessment of the Role of Alabama’s Public Libraries to Address the Opioid Crises (poster paper). Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology ASIS&T 85th Annual Meeting: Crisis Transition, Resilience: Re-Imaging an Information Resilient Society, October 29 – November 1, 2022, Pittsburgh, PA.

Jaber, B. (2021). A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Hashtag #WeAreAllIsraaGhrayeb on Twitter: An Exploration of Honor Killing Crimes in Palestine (poster paper). Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology ASIS&T 84th Annual Meeting: Information: Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Justice, and Relevance, October 30 – November 2, 2021, Salt Lake City, Utah.    

Mehra, B., and Jaber, B. (2022). “Don’t Say Gay” in Alabama: A Taxonomic Framework of LGBTQ+ Information Support Services in Public Libraries, An Exploratory Website Content Analysis of Critical Resistance (paper abstract). Institutional Repository of the World Library and Information Congress: 87th International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) General Conference and Council [Conference Theme: Inspire, Engage, Enable, Connect], July 26-29, 2022, Dublin, Ireland.
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