Jaber, B. (upcoming 2023). Exploratory Social Justice Case Study Design: Operationalizing Public Library Services for Women Refugees from the Middle East and North Africa Region. (ALISE/Jean Tague-Sutcliffe Doctoral Student Poster Competition), Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) 2023 [Conference Theme: Bridge the Gap: Teaching, Learning, Practice, & Competencies], October 2-5, 2023, Milwaukee, WI.   

Jaber, B. et.al. (upcoming 2023). Countering Systemic Racism through Antiracist Theory and Practice. (panelist), Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) 2023 [Conference Theme: Bridge the Gap: Teaching, Learning, Practice, & Competencies], October 2-5, 2023, Milwaukee, WI.

Mehra, B., Black, K., & Jaber, B. (upcoming 2023). A Logic Model Using Theory of Change Applied in Grant Development of Civic Engagement for Racial Justice in Public Libraries: Implications for LIS Education. (poster), Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) 2023 [Conference Theme: Bridge the Gap: Teaching, Learning, Practice, & Competencies], October 2-5, 2023, Milwaukee, WI.

Jaber, B. S. & Mehra B. (2023). “Don’t Say Gay” in Alabama: A Taxonomic Framework of LGBTQ+ Information Support Services in Public Libraries. (presentation), Alabama Library Association (ALLA) (virtual), April 27, 2023.   

Jaber, B. (2023). Women Refugees from the Middle East and North Africa Region: From Surviving to Thriving. (poster), 14th Annual Discerning Diverse Voices Symposium (hybrid), University of Alabama, March 1, 2023.  

​Jaber, B. (2022). Community-Engaged Scholarship As a Lens to Further Social Justice Amongst Disenfranchised Populations. (paper panel session). National Communication Association (NCA) 108th Annual Convention: Honoring PLACE: People, Liberation, Advocacy, Community, and Environment, November 17 – 20, 2022, New Orleans, LA.

Mehra, B., Viehouser, M., and Jaber, B. (2022). A Multi-Methodological Assessment of the Role of Alabama’s Public Libraries to Address the Opioid Crises (poster paper). Association for Information Science and Technology ASIS&T 85th Annual Meeting: Crisis Transition, Resilience: Re-Imaging an Information Resilient Society, October 29 – November 1, 2022, Pittsburgh, PA.

Mehra, B., and Jaber, B. (2022). “Don’t Say Gay” in Alabama: A Taxonomic Framework of LGBTQ+ Information Support Services in Public Libraries, An Exploratory Website Content Analysis of Critical Resistance (paper presentation). [LGBTQ SIG]. 87th International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) General Conference and Council [Conference Theme: Inspire, Engage, Enable, Connect], July 26-29, 2022, Dublin, Ireland.

Winberry, J., Gray, L., Hardy, J., Jaber, B., and Mehra, B. (panel presentation). (2021). Holistic Critical Relevance to Further Social Justice Design and Implementation in the Field of Information. Panel title: Conceptualizing Relevance of Information as a Social Justice Issue. 84th Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (Theme: Information: Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Justice, and Relevance), Salt Lake City, Utah, October 30 – November 2, 2021.

Jaber, B. (2021). Diverse Voices of Graduate Students in Community-Engaged Scholarship. (panelist), 12th Annual Discerning Diverse Voices Symposium (virtual), University of Alabama, March 2-3, 2021.  

​Carter, G., Green, M., Jaber, B., McLelland, B., & Nunn, L. (2020). Learning About Culture Through Film. (panelist), 11th Annual Discerning Diverse Voices Symposium, University of Alabama, March 10-11, 2020.

Jaber, B., Parker, R., & Viehouser, M. (2020). Diverse Voices of Doctoral Students in Social Justice and Inclusion Advocacy. (panelist), 11th Annual Discerning Diverse Voices Symposium, University of Alabama, March 10-11, 2020.

Mehra, B., and Jaber, B. (2020). Opioid Consumer Health Information Literacies (o-CHIL) in Alabama’s Public Libraries: An Exploratory Website Content Analysis, 11th Annual Discerning Diverse Voices Symposium, University of Alabama, March 10-11, 2020.

Mehra, B., and Jaber, B. (2020). Information Support Services for People Who Are Differently Abled in Alabama’s Public Libraries: Strategies to Further Disability Inclusion in LIS Education. Program of the Transforming LIS Education through Disability Inclusion Special Interest Group (SIG) [Moderators: Keren Dali, Kim M. Thompson, Mirah J. Dow] at the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) Annual Conference: Transforming LIS Education in an Interconnected World (virtual), October 2020. [Presenters: Dali, K., Thompson, K. M., Dow, M. J., Alman, S., Faires, D., Smith, A. J. M., Sutton, S., Goulding, A., Campbell-Meier, J., Mehra, B., Baheya, J. S., Phillips, A. L., Anderson, A. M., Renner, M., Muir, R., Qayyum, A., and Wong, M. (list in order of presentation)].

Mehra, B., and Jaber, B. (2020). Women’s Concerns in Alabama’s Public Libraries: An Exploratory Website Content Analysis Gender Equality and Women’s Information Offerings in Alabama’s Public Libraries: An Exploratory Website Study (juried paper). 83rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (virtual), October 22 – November 1, 2020.

Jaber, B. (2019). Academic Library Trends in Conflict Zones (juried paper). Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) Annual Conference: Exploring Learning in a Global Information Context, September 24-26, 2019.

Jaber, B. S. (2019). Enhancing Reference Services in Academic Libraries Through Digital Synchronous and Asynchronous Platforms. Alabama Library Association (ALLA) 2019 Annual Convention, April 2-5, 2019.

Jaber, B. S. (2017). Academic Library Trends Model in Conflict Zones. Middle East Librarians Association (MELA) Conference, November 16-18, 2017.

Gilbertson, M., and Jaber, B. S. (2017). Internships: A Mutually Beneficial Experience. American Library Association (ALA) Midwinter Conference, January 20-24, 2017.
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